On Defense of a Biological Link Between 
the Human Brain and the Narrative Form

Prologue  This article explores the possible existence of a link between the way the human brain works and the narrative form. Compiling information from different sources and different professionals related to the field of neuroscience, I draw information from the biological definition of the narrative form, the origin of human language and its relation to … Continue reading

How to produce narratives for digital distribution

In early July 2011, I wrote for this blog an article about how change should happen in the way we plan, produce and present narratives for digital distribution. I was lucky enough that this article rised some attention and I went on to publish an edit version of it on the Nieman’s Storyboard website. I … Continue reading

An open letter (wish-list) for Sourcefabric

Just a couple of days ago, I found out about Sourcefabric and its future release of a free, open source, editorial system, the Superdesk. Like I always do with all the amazing digital tools I find online, I got in touch with Sourcefabric and let them know that I was looking forward for their product. … Continue reading

Why do we tell stories?

To further understand how we must change the way we produce and present our narratives for digital distribution (I’ve written a first article about this subject here), I wanted to learn why we, as humans, need stories and storytelling. To address this subject I was fortunate enough to find Brian Boyd’s book “On the Origin … Continue reading

Narratives for digital distribution

EDIT: An edited version of this article was published on Nieman Storyboard website becoming the site’s most read article in 2011. The way we tell stories in the print media has been, mostly, the same for some time now. Space constraints and graphic layout have made the narrative flow a broken one. With the advent … Continue reading

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